Top Computer Network One Liner Questions Answers

Connecting two or more computers together is called a computer network. Each network has a definite purpose. Many computers are interconnected for the purpose of sharing computer resources, which is called computer networking.

In other words, Network is the interconnection of two or more computers for the mutual exchange and sharing of information or other resources. Under computer network, there is mutual sharing of resources, so that data and information are equally accessible from one computer to another.

There are mainly 3 types of computer networks: LAN, WAN and MAN. Apart from this, there are some other PAN and HAN.

We have listed here top computer networks questions answers, which covers all important networking chapters like Topologies, Transmission modes, Categories of Network, OSI model, IP classes etc.

You should practice these computer networking one line questions for your competative exams.

Q 1. TELNET used _______ protocol for data connection ?
Q 2. Which technique is used to send more than one call over a single line ?
Ans. Multiplexing
Q 3. A network router joins two ________ together?
Ans. Networks
Q 4. Which wireless medium consists of a parabolic antena mounted on towers ?
Ans. Microwave
Q 5. NIC Stands for ?
Ans. National interface card
Q 6. To connect networks of similar protocols ______ are used ?
Ans. Bridges
Q 7. How many pins does RJ-45 contain ?
Ans. Eeight
Q 8. ARPANET stands for ?
Ans. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
Q 9. The connection between your computer at home and your local ISP is called ?
Ans. The home page
Q 10. What device separates a single network into two segments but lets the two segments appear as one to higher protocols ?
Ans. Bridge
Q 11. The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called ?
Ans. Attenuation
Q 12. Which protocol is used to receive emails ?
Ans. POP
Q 13. Which appears harmless but actually performs malicious functions such as deleting or damaging files.
Ans. Trojan Horse
Q 14. How many bits on internet address is assigned to each host on a TCP/IP ?
Ans. 32 bit
Q 15. Error detection and control is function of ?
Ans. Data link layer
Q 16. falls under which IP class ?
Ans. Class B
Q 17. A _______ is a computer connected to two network ?
Ans. Gateway
Q 18. The scrambling of code is known as ?
Ans. Encryption
Q 19. Open standards refer to ?
Ans. Standard not owned by any company.
Q 20. Encryption and decryption are functions of the which layer ?
Ans. Presentation layer
Q 21. Which transmission method is used in serial communication ?
Ans. Full duplex
Q 22. Multiplexer means ?
Ans. Many to one
Q 23. What stands for CRC ?
Ans. Cyclic redundancy check
Q 24. P2P is a ______ application architecture ?
Ans. Distributed
Q 25. MAC address is of _______ ?
Ans. 48 bit
Q 26. A _______ is a data communication system within a building, plant, orcampus, or between near by buildings ?
Ans. LAN
Q 27. What is the address size of IPv6?
Ans. 128 bit
Q 28. The device that can operate in place of a hub is ?
Ans. Switch
Q 29. Which wire has slowest transmission speed ?
Ans. Twisted-pair wire
Q 30. A distributed network configuration in which all data/information pass through a central computer is ?
Ans. Star network
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