Computer Science Theory of Computation Questions and Answers

Important theory of computation questions and answers which covers automata theory, regular expressions and regular languages, context free grammars and machine related topics.

Q 1. If every string of a language can be determined, whether it is legal or illegal in finite time, the language is called ?
Ans. Decidable
Q 2. P, Q, R are three languages, if P and R are regular and if PQ = R, then ?
Ans. Q need not be regular
Q 3. If there exists a TM which when applied to any problem in the class, terminates if the correct answer is yes, and may not terminate otherwise is said to be ?
Ans. Partially solvable
Q 4. A given grammar is called ambiguous if ?
Ans. There is a sentence with more than one derivation tree corresponding to it.
Q 5. Context free language are closed under ?
Ans. Union and Kleene closure
Q 6. The language L generated by G most accurately is called ?
Ans. Chomsky type 3
Q 7. Bounded minimalization technique is used for ?
Ans. To generate primitive recursive functions
Q 8. How context-sensitive grammar (CSG) can be recognize ?
Ans. By linearly bounded memory machine
Q 9. Which is accepted by an NDPDM, but not by a DPDM ?
Ans. Even Palindromes
Q 10. A push down automata (PDM) behaves like a Turing machine, when the number of auxilary memory it has is ?
Ans. 2 or more
Q 11. The defining language for developing a formalism in which language definitions can be stated, is called ?
Ans. Syntactic meta language
Q 12. The concept of FSA is much used in this part of the compiler ?
Ans. Lexical analysis
Q 13. Consider the following language, L = {anbmcpdq|n, m, p, q = 1}. Here L is ?
Ans. Regular
Q 14. The intersection of a context free language and a regular language is ?
Ans. Always regular and context free
Q 15. CFG is not closed under ?
Ans. Complementation
Q 16. Turing machine is more powerful than FSM because ?
Ans. It has capability to remember arbitrary long sequences of input symbols.
Q 17. R1 and R2 are regular sets. Which of the following is not true ?
Ans. R1 n R2 need not be regular
Q 18. A grammar that produces more than one parse tree for some sentence is called ?
Ans. Ambiguous
Q 19. Pumping lemma is generally used for proving ?
Ans. A given grammer is not regular
Q 20. Finite state automata (FSM) can only recognize ?
Ans. Regular grammer
Q 21. What is the recognizing capability of NDFSM and DFSM ?
Ans. It is same
Q 22. In which automata, we can do transition without any given input ?
Ans. Epsilon NFA
Q 23. Which machine is faster in between Moore and Mealy ?
Ans. Mealy machine is more faster
Q 24. In which machine Output is synchronous with clock ?
Ans. Moore machine
Q 25. In Mealy machine, if we give input of n length, then output will come as ?
Ans. n length
Q 26. In Moore machine, if we give input of n length, then output will come as ?
Ans. n+1
Q 27. What are the limitation of FSA ?
Ans. Limited memory
Strings without comosition
Linear power
Q 28. In DFA, null move is allow or not ?
Ans. Null move allows in it.
Q 29. What is NFA ( non deterministic automata ) ?
Ans. In this we have multiple choices to move for one input symbol.
Q 30. A language L is accepted by a FSA if it is ?
Ans. Regular
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