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Important Computer Fundamentals Question and Answers

Important Computer Fundamentals Question and Answers

This post includes all the important computer fundamentals questions and answers such as input devices, output devices, memory, CPU, motherboard, computer network, virus, software, hardware etc.

Q 1. In binary language each letter of alphabet, each number is made up of a unique combination of ?
Ans. 8 bit
Q 2. A _______ is approximately one billion bytes ?
Ans. Gigabyte
Q 3. The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the ?
Ans. Internet Devide
Q 4. Where is the head quater of Microsoft office located ?
Ans. Washinton

Q 5. 1024 bits is equal to ?
Ans. 128 byte
Q 6. A dual layer blue ray disk can store data upto ?
Ans. 50 GB
Q 7. Which programing language is exclusively used for Artificial Intelligence ?
Q 8. First computer virus is known as ?
Ans. Creeper virus
Q 9. Name of the first web browser invented in 1990 ?
Ans. Nexus
Q 10. Number of bits used by the IPv6 address ?
Ans. 128 bits
Q 11. Which one is the first search engine in Internet ?
Ans. Archie
Q 12. Who first developed QWERTY keyboard used in computer and phones ?
Ans. Christopher Latham Sholes

Q 13. Who developed JAVA programming language ?
Ans. James Gosling
Q 14. India first super computer PARAM 8000 was installed in ?
Ans. 1991
Q 15. Which one is the current fastest super computer in India ?
Ans. Sahasra T
Q 16. Which one is the first word processor application used ?
Ans. Word Star
Q 17. When NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services Companies) was established ?
Ans. 1988
Q 18. Who is the father of Super Computing ?
Ans. Seymour Cray
Q 19. Who programmed the first computer game 'Space war' in 1962 ?
Ans. Steave Russell
Q 20. Which web browser is developed by Google ?
Ans. Chrome
Q 21. Total number of pins in a traditional paraller port is ?
Ans. 25
Q 22. Common boundry between two computers systems known as ?
Ans. Interface

Q 23. What is the maximum number of primary partitions that can be created on a Hard disk ?
Ans. 4
Q 24. Default Word Processor for the Microsoft windows ?
Ans. Notepad
Q 25. Which is the first text editor for Microsoft windows ?
Ans. WordPad
Q 26. A folder in Windows computer can't be made with the name of ?
Ans. Con
Q 27. Who is also known as the Father of Indian Super computing ?
Ans. Vijay Bhatker
Q 28. In which year @ sign was first chosen for its in email address ?
Ans. 1972
Q 29. What is the role of Compiler ?
Ans. It convert High level language to Machine level language directly.
Q 30. What is the Role of Interpreter ?
Ans. It convert High level language to Machine level language line by line.