HTET Pedagogy Questions and Answers for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3

In this post, we have collected very important and previous year based HTET Child Development and Pedagogy questions and answers. These HTET CDP questions, related to previous HTET exams and also covered important topics. All the questions are in one liner format, so you quickly read and learn it easily.

Q 1. Which step is prominent in the syntax of teaching model of memory level and understanding level ?
Ans. Presentation
Q 2. Learning of children will be most effective when ?
Ans. Development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain of children will take place
Q 3. The first step of problem solving is ?
Ans. Identification of problem
Q 4. 'Learning is any change in behaviour, resulting from behaviour who said it ?
Ans. Guilford
Q 5. Growth of a child is mainly related to ?
Ans. Physical development
Q 6. In the class, questioning by students ?
Ans. Should be encourage
Q 7. This is not the role of teacher ?
Ans. Teacher should not pay attention to differently abled child
Q 8. Which skill, testing of previous knowledge cornes ?
Ans. Skill of Introduction
Q 9. Meaning of Stagnation in education ?
Ans. Retention of a child in a same class for more than one year
Q 10. Co-curricular activities are mostly related to ?
Ans. All round development of students
Q 11. If a teacher finds a problematic child in the class, what should he does ?
Ans. Provide counselling to the child
Q 12. 'Plateaus of learning are a characteristic feature of the learning process indicating a period where no improvemnet in performance is made, Who said this ?
Ans. Ross
Q 13. Total time taken in Indian Model of Micro teaching ?
Ans. 36 minute
Q 14. 'Adolescene is the period of great stress, strain, storm and strike' is the statement of ?
Ans. stanley hall
Q 15. 'The conditions of Learning' book is written by ?
Ans. R.M. gagne
Q 16. Human develoment starts from ?
Ans. Pre-natal stage
Q 17. Which factor is responsible for individual differences among children ?
Ans. Intelligence
Q 18. Reinforcement is a part of which process ?
Ans. Learning
Q 19. Which teaching strategy fulfils learning objectives under cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain ?
Ans. Role playing
Q 20. A valid and reliable method to draw conclusion about interest and aptitude of the learner is ?
Ans. Objective observation method
Q 21. Which is NOT a source of information education ?
Ans. Education through classroom teaching
Q 22. Propounder of model of memory level teaching is ?
Ans. John F. Herbart
Q 23. Which is NOT an action verb of affective domain ?
Ans. Differentiate
Q 24. What is parallel play ?
Ans. Playing separately
Q 25. Which statement is NOT correct ?
Ans. Growth and development are two different aspects
Q 26. Which environmental factor affects the personality ?
Ans. Social factors, Cultural factors, Economic factors
Q 27. The stage when child drives less enjoyment from his parents, is related ?
Ans. Social development
Q 28. Gagne in his book "The condition of learning" has described how many types of learning ?
Ans. Eight types
Q 29. Which is an example of intrinsic motivation ?
Ans. Solving a problem for its own sake
Q 30. Teaching aid is used in the class for ?
Ans. Creating specific learning conditions
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