Top Operating System One Liner Questions

Operating System is a software that acts as an interface between computer hardware components and the user. In fact, you can call it a medium through which different parts of the user and computer can interact with each other.

Operating system is also called system software. Most people also call it 'OS' by short name. It is also called the heart of the computer, the operating system is a system software, which acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware.

When you turn on the computer, then the operating system is first loaded into the main memory means RAM and after that, it allocates all the hardware from which user software is needed.

In this post we have collected top operating system questions and answers, which are frequantly asked in interview or competitive exams.

Q 1. Which is the best access method where most of the records in a file are to be processed ?
Ans. Sequential access
Q 2. How virtual memory can be implemented ?
Ans. By demand paging
Q 3. What is the solution of starvation ?
Ans. Aging
Q 4. _______ can be described by a resource allocation graph.
Ans. Deadlocks
Q 5. The interval of time between submission and completion of a process is called ?
Ans. Turnaround time
Q 6. What is thrashing in the operating system ?
Ans. Thrashing is when the page fault and swapping happens very frequently at a higher rate, and then the operating system has to spend more time swapping these pages.
Q 7. Which scheduling is best for Time-shared operating system ?
Ans. Round robin
Q 8. Which scheduling algorithm gives minimum average waiting time ?
Ans. Shortest job first
Q 9. Belady's anomaly may occur in which page replacement policy ?
Q 10. The essential content in each entry of a page table is ?
Ans. Page frame number
Q 11. Which concurrency control protocols ensure both conflict serializability and freedom from deadlock ?
Ans. Time-stamp ordering
Q 12. Preemptive scheduling may cause starvation. (True / False)
Ans. True
Q 13. In which scheduling policies does context switching never take place ?
Ans. Shortest job first and FCFS
Q 14. Because threads can share common data, they do not need to use ?
Ans. Interprocess communication
Q 15. The operating system is an example for _______ approach.
Ans. Layered
Q 16. The first-fit, best-fit and the worst-fit algorithm can be used for ?
Ans. Conitnue allocation of memory
Q 17. Which program responsible for keeps tracks of processor and status of process ?
Ans. Traffic controller
Q 18. RPC stands for ______ .
Ans. Remote Procedure Call
Q 19. The signal DAV stands for _______ .
Ans. Data valid
Q 20. In OS, Memory management refers to management of ?
Ans. Both Primary Memory or Main Memory
Q 21. Fence register is used for ?
Ans. Memory protection
Q 22. What is a dirty bit in operating system ?
Ans. A dirty bit or modified bit is a bit that is associated with a block of computer memory and indicates whether or not the corresponding block of memory has been modified.
Q 23. Disk scheduling is used for ?
Ans. To decide the order in which disk access requests must be serviced.
Q 24. What is the size of the cache tag directory ?
Ans. 160 Kbits
Q 25. What is the number of bits in the tag field of an Address ?
Ans. 16 bits
Q 26. Semaphores are used to solve the problem of ?
Ans. Mutual exclusion and Process synchronization
Q 27. In a time sharing operating system, when the allotted time to a process is completed, the process will goes from the Running state to the ?
Ans. Ready state
Q 28. Why register renaming is done in pipelined processors ?
Ans. To handle certain kinds of hazards
Q 29. An operating system contains 3 user processes each requiring 2 units of resource R. The minimum number of required units of R such that no deadlock will ever occur is ?
Ans. 4
Q 30. Which algorithm in operating system solves the problem of 'Deadlock Avoidance' ?
Ans. Dijkstra's banking algorithm
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