One Liner Physics Questions and Answers

We have collected important Physics one liner questions and answers. These physics general questions are frequently asked in many competative exams, you should go through it.

Q 1. What was the reason behind the splitting of different colours of light in a prism ?
Ans. Dispersion of light
Q 2. How much calorie of energy is released by bolied egg ?
Ans. 77 calorie
Q 3. This statement is correct when we see rainbow ?
Ans. The sun remains behind us and we face raindrops
Q 4. What is the minimum escape velocity of rocket to be launched into space ?
Ans. 11 km/sec
Q 5. One killowatt hour is equal ?
Ans. 3.6 megajoule
Q 6. When eye suffer from far-sightedness the image will form ?
Ans. Behind the retina, light rays coverage
Q 7. Which techniques does the photostate machine works ?
Ans. Electrostatic image-making
Q 8. What is the focus of distance when the capacity of lens has -2d ?
Ans. - 0.5 m
Q 9. When the mass of a star is two times the mass of the sun. How it will come to an end ?
Ans. Neutron Star
Q 10. What was happened to the reflection when a straight object placed in front of an convex mirror ?
Ans. Virtual, straight and larger than object image
Q 11. Which conservation principle is applicable in the case of motion of rocket ?
Ans. Change of momentum
Q 12. Why the needle of iron swims on water surface when it is kept gently ?
Ans. Due to surface tension
Q 13. What was the reason behind the lightining glow is seen before the thunder is heard ?
Ans. The speed of light is greater than the speed of sound
Q 14. What is the cause behind hurting a person on kicking a stone ?
Ans. Inertia
Q 15. If the diameter of a bottle is raised then the rise of water in it will be ?
Ans. Half
Q 16. What should a person do to when he try to kill the fish on the banks of the bond with a spear ?
Ans. Must focus below the fish
Q 17. What is the efffect of an object when it is moving in a constant speed ?
Ans. Is not accelerated
Q 18. An object covers distance which is directly proportional to the square of the time, its acceleration ?
Ans. Constant
Q 19. When a strong beam of light is passed through a collidal solution the light will ?
Ans. Be scattered
Q 20. Pressure cooker cooks faster because ?
Ans. Higher temperature is attained for cooking
Q 21. Microphone is a device which transforms the ?
Ans. Sound signal into current signal
Q 22. X-rays region lies between ?
Ans. Gamma-rays and ultra violet rays
Q 23. When a ray of light goes from a dense medium to a rarer medium it will ?
Ans. Bends away from the normal
Q 24. The unit of noise pollution is ?
Ans. Decibel
Q 25. Materials for rain proof coats and tents owe their water proof properties to ?
Ans. Surface tension
Q 26. Why does a cricket player a fast approaching ball by pulling his hand backward ?
Ans. He amy need to exert less force
Q 27. When two ice cubes are pressed together, they join to form one cube. Which one activity can helps to hold them together ?
Ans. Hydrogen Bond Formation
Q 28. This statement is correct about light ?
Ans. 1.It moves faster than the speed of sound
Q 29. This statement is incorrect about light ?
Ans. It cannot pass through vacuum
Q 30. The motion of the wheels of a Bullock-Cart while moving on a road is an example of which motion ?
Ans. Translatory and Rotatory Motion
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