Top HTML and HTML5 One Liner Questions and Answers

Here is the top collection of basic HTML and HTML5 questions and answers, which are frequantly asked in government competative exams or in interviews. We have cover all basic topics like fonts, tags and element and also advanced HTML 5 questions.

Q 1. HTML5 brings to the Web video and audio tracks without needing plugins. True or False ?
Ans. True
Q 2. Which tag is used to encapsulate navigation and then style the elements appropriately as menu items ?
Ans. Both ul and li
Q 3. ______ contains the navigation menu, or other navigation functionality for the web page ?
Ans. nav
Q 4. Which is not semantic a element for text in HTML5 ?
Ans. <article>
Q 5. Which entity is not for both HTML and XML ?
Ans. cent
Q 6. Which attribute indicates a descending order of displaying a list ?
Ans. Reversed
Q 7. 'srclang' attribute is used with the element ______ ?
Ans. <track>
Q 8. With which element 'width' attribute is not define ?
Ans. <textarea>
Q 9. Which attribute specifies a unique alphanumeric identifier to be associated with an element ?
Ans. ID attribute
Q 10. TABLE column width specified by ?
Ans. Fixed, Percentage and Propotional
Q 11. Which element is not associated with Html TABLE layout ?
Ans. Color
Q 12. What is the use of 'iframe' in HTML ?
Ans. To display a webpage with in a webpage
Q 13. When creating a web document, what format is used to express an image's height and width ?
Ans. Pixels
Q 14. Relative URLs are used to ?
Ans. Link other pages with the same site
Q 15. What is the full form of JPEG ?
Ans. Joint photographic experts group
Q 16. 'Yahoo' and 'Infoseek' and 'Lycos' are examples of ?
Ans. Search engines
Q 17. If you want to create an HTML page in word processor ?
Ans. Save it with ASCII text file
Q 18. Which colors consist of equal amount of all the basic colors ?
Ans. White, Black and Gray
Q 19. In TABLE increasing the cellpadding means ?
Ans. Increase the distance between cell and content
Q 20. Which tag will you add to specify a font for your whole page ?
Ans. <basefont>
Q 21. In HTML, tags that include both On and Off tag are called ?
Ans. Container or Pair tag
Q 22. What is the first tag inside TABLE tag ?
Q 23. Adding a border to your image, helps the visitor to recognize it as what ?
Ans. A link
Q 24. HTML is a subset of ?
Ans. SGML (standard generalized markup language)
Q 25. Which tag is used to show degree in temprature
Ans. SUP
Q 26. The value of the 'alt' attribute is a text string of upto ______ characters ?
Ans. 1024
Q 27. What is the default alignment of images, that are inserted in the webpage is ?
Ans. Inline with text
Q 28. Why it is important to specify width and height attribute in <img> tag ?
Ans. It helps the browser to load the image faster
Q 29. To display an '&' symbol on the webpage, _____ is used in the source HTML code ?
Ans. &amp;
Q 30. In HTML, list can be of ?
Ans. Un-numbered, Numbered and Defination
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