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Top HTML Questions and Answers for Interview & Competetive Exam

Top HTML Questions and Answers for Interview & Competetive Exam

Listed top html questions and answers and answers, which are frequantly asked in interviews and competitive exams. These HTML questions cover the latest HTML5 version tags and elements, including css based questions.

Q 31. To align muliple lines of text we use ?
Ans. Align
Q 32. What is the proper syntax to start an HTML comment ?
Ans. <!-- >
Q 33. All normal webpages consist of what two parts ?
Ans. Head and Body
Q 34. If the background image is smaller then the screen, what will happen ?
Ans. It will be repeated
Q 35. Every HTML document must include the tags ?
Ans. <Html> and <Body>
Q 36. Which will produce a solid circle bullet when gives value of 'type' attribute with <UL> list ?
Ans. Disc
Q 37. In <OL> and <UL>, the style of the bullet or number is defined by ?
Ans. Type attribute
Q 38. To define the basic font size, which tag is used ?
Q 39. The headings can be differentiated on the basis of thier ________ and _______ ?
Ans. Typeface, Space
Q 40. The 'Basefont' tag is supported by ?
Ans. Internet explorer
Q 41. Which are the logical text style ?
Ans. <DFN>, <EM> and <CITE>
Q 42. What is the RGB color scheme for the Red color ?
Ans. 255, 0, 0
Q 43. Which tag is used to show list items in order ?
Ans. <li>
Q 44. What are the arrtibutes of Table in HTML ?
Ans. Align, BG color, Border
Q 45. In HTML5 data store in _______ ?
Ans. Local storage
Q 46. Which tag is used to specify list of options for input controls ?
Ans. Datalist
Q 47. In HTML5 which tag is used to highlight a text ?
Ans. <mark>
Q 48. In HTML5 which are new media element are introduced ?
Ans. audio, video, source, track and embed
Q 49. What is Web worker ?
Ans. It is javascript code that works in the background like access database data.
Q 50. What is CANVAS ?
Ans. It is used to draw graphics using JavaScript
Q 51. What is the purpose of the <main> tag in HTML ?
Ans. It sets the space for important content of a webpage like paragraph or article
Q 52. What stands for SVG ?
Ans. Scalable vector graphics
Q 53. Which tag generates the encryption key for passing encrypted data to server ?
Ans. Keygen
Q 54. What <!doctype> tag represent ?
Ans. It tells about the version of HTML
Q 55. In HTML5 which allow to run script in backgound ?
Ans. JS web work API
Q 56. In HTML5 which API used to share location ?
Ans. Geolocation API
Q 57. In HTML5 which new input attributes are introduced ?
Ans. autocomplete, autofocus, max, min readonly and spellcheck
Q 58. In HTML5 which new input types introduced ?
Ans. Color, date, datetime, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url and week etc.
Q 59. In HTML5 which new semantic elements are introduced ?
Ans. header, footer, article and section
Q 60. Firefox browser uses ______ rendering engine ?
Ans. Gecko