Data Structure One Liner Questions Answers

Data structure is a way to store and organize data in a computer system, so that we can use the data easily. That is, the data is stored and organized in such a way that it can be easily accessed later at any time.

Data Structure is not a programming language like C, C++, Java, but it is a set of algorithms that we use to structure data in programming languages.

Lets check it out some important Data structure one line questions which are based on liner and non-linear data structures.

Q 1. A linear list in which each node has pointer to point to the predecessor and successors node is called ?
Ans. Doubly linked list
Q 2. What is the disadvantage of using a circular linked list ?
Ans. It is possible to get into infinite loop.
Q 3. When does top value of the Stack changes ?
Ans. After deletion
Q 4. Arrays are the best data structure becuase ?
Ans. For relatively permanent collection of data
Q 5. Pointer store the next data element of a list. True or False ?
Ans. False
Q 6. The use of pointer to refer elements of a data structure, in which elements are logically adjacent ?
Ans. Linked allocation
Q 7. A data structure, where elements can be added or removal at either end but not in the middle is called ?
Ans. Dequeue
Q 8. When new data is to be inserted into a data structure, but there is not available space, this situation is called ?
Ans. Overflow
Q 9. Which data structure store the homogenous data element ?
Ans. Array
Q 10. _________ is a directed tree, in which out degree of each node is less then or equal to two.
Ans. Binary tree
Q 11. A ______ is an acyclic di-graph, which has only one node with in-degree 0, and other nodes have in-degree 1.
Ans. Directed tree
Q 12. A node is child node if out degree is 1, True or False ?
Ans. False
Q 13. Any node is the path from the root to the node is called ?
Ans. Ancestor node
Q 14. The degree of root node is always zero, True or False ?
Ans. False
Q 15. The property of a binary tree is ?
Ans. The right subtree can be empty.
Q 16. In general, the binary search method needs no more than ______ comparison ?
Ans. [ log 2n ] + 1
Q 17. There is an extra element at the head of the list called ?
Ans. Senital
Q 18. Which operation can not be performed on Queue ?
Ans. Traversal
Q 19. What will be the value of top, if there is a size of Stack is 5 ( If stack element start from 0 )?
Ans. 4
Q 20. The advantage of _________ is that they solve the problem if sequential storage representation present, But disadvantage is that they are sequential lists ?
Ans. Linked list
Q 21. In a queue, the initial values of front pointer F, rear pointer R, should be ____ and _____ respectively ?
Ans. 0 and -1
Q 22. The worst case time complexity of binary search is ?
Ans. O(log n)
Q 23. In _______ search start at the beginning of the list and check every element in the list ?
Ans. Linear search
Q 24. The number of comparison done by sequential search is ?
Ans. (N+1) / 2
Q 25. In which traversal, we process all of a vertex's descendants before we move to an adjacent vertex ?
Ans. Depth first traversal
Q 26. A directed graph is _______ if there is a path from each vertex to every other vertex in the diagraph ?
Ans. Strongly connected
Q 27. Identify the data structure, which allows deletion at both ends of the list but insertion at one end ?
Ans. Input restricted queue
Q 28. Which data structure is used in breadth first search of a graph to hold nodes ?
Ans. Queue
Q 29. Herder node is used as senital in ______ ?
Ans. Binary tree
Q 30. Which data strcuture can not store the non-homegenous data elements ?
Ans. Array
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