Data Structure One Liner Questions Answers

Data structure is a way to store and organize data in a computer system, so that we can use the data easily. That is, the data is stored and organized in such a way that it can be easily accessed later at any time.

Data Structure is not a programming language like C, C++, Java, but it is a set of algorithms that we use to structure data in programming languages.

Lets check it out some important Data structure one line questions which are based on liner and non-linear data structures.

Q 91. Which data strcuture is used to implement depth first search ?
Ans. Stack
Q 92. A parenthesis balancing program application use which data structure ?
Ans. Stack
Q 93. Stack data strcuture can be used for ?
Ans. Compliers, Operating system and System programming
Q 94. Stack data strcuture can be represented by ?
Ans. Array and Linked list
Q 95. eof() function is used for ?
Ans. Check for end of file
Q 96. Which data structure is used in breadth first search of a graph to hold nodes ?
Ans. Queue
Q 97. Which data structure can not store the non-homogeneous data elements ?
Ans. Array
Q 98. What is the levels of implementation of data structure ?
Ans. Implementation level
Q 99. What is record type data structure ?
Ans. A record is special type of data structure thet collects different data types.
Q 100. Which are Non-linear data structure ?
Ans. Tree and Graph
Q 101. Which are linear data structure ?
Ans. Array, Linked list, Stack and Queue
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