Computer Architecture One Liner Questions Answers

The various components of the computer and the relationship between them is called the computer architecture. Almost all computers have the same structure.

Computer has three main parts, Input/Output unit, Central prpcessing unit and Memory unit.

Through Input Device, we input our data or instruction or program into the computer. Which is accepted by the CPU and stored in the appropriate place in the memory. When needed, ALU takes data and instruction from memory itself, where processing is done according to the order of the control unit and the results are sent to the output device or again kept in memory. All other units work under the control of the control unit.

In this post we have collected some important one line questions based on airthmetic and ligical unit, registers, microprocessor, memory unit, instruction format and cycle, read only memeory, motherboard, type of buses etc.

Must go through these computer architecture questions answers for your competitive exam prepration.

Q 1. Which method is used to establish priority by serially connecting all devices that request an interrupt ?
Ans. Daisy chaining
Q 2. Which technique is used that identifies the highest priority resource by means of software ?
Ans. Polling
Q 3. Arithmetic instruction are used to perform operation on ?
Ans. Numerical data
Q 4. Which system was used extensively by early mini computers ?
Ans. Octal number
Q 5. In which status flags required for data transfer are present ?
Ans. Interface Circuit
Q 6. UMA stands for ?
Ans. Uniform memory access
Q 7. A bus used to connect the monitor to CPU processor is ?
Ans. SCSI (Small computer system interface)
Q 8. What is a “register” ?
Ans. Sequential circuit
Q 9. Which unit is used to measure the CPU’s speed of a computer ?
Ans. Instructions per second (IPS)
Q 10. Which unit is used to measure the CPU’s processing power ?
Ans. MIPS (Million instructions per second)
Q 11. Motherboard is also known as ?
Ans. Printed circuit board (PCB)
Q 12. Data processing cycle consists of ?
Ans. input cycle, output cycle, and processing cycle
Q 13. Conversion of computer-generated results into human-readable format is the function of ?
Ans. Output interface
Q 14. In which storage media, storage of information is organized as a single continuous spiral groove ?
Q 15. Which register hold the resuls or answer of any airthmatic or logic operation is called ?
Ans. Accumulator
Q 16. The type of interrupt may be passed to the interrupt structure of CPU from ?
Ans. Interrupt controller
Q 17. An intruppt can be temporarily ignored by the counter is called ?
Ans. Maskable intruppt
Q 18. The most relevant addressing mode to write position independent code is ?
Ans. Relative mode
Q 19. By which technique extends the storage capacity of main memory ?
Ans. Virtual storage
Q 20. Which data transfer scheme prevents the CPU to perform other task while it is waiting for data transfer is ?
Ans. Programmed I/O
Q 21. The ability to temporarily halt the CPU and use that time to send information on bused is called ?
Ans. Cycle stealing
Q 22. A group of bits that tells the computer to perform a specific operation is known as ?
Ans. Instruction code
Q 23. Link between the users and CPU is provided by ?
Ans. Peripheral devices
Q 24. What is instruction prefetch ?
Ans. Instruction prefetch is a technique used in microprocessors to speed up the execution of a program by reducing wait states.
Q 25. A set of registers is ?
Ans. Internal memory in a CPU
Q 26. How control unit control the other units ?
Ans. By generating control signal
Q 27. What is the instruction cycle for each instruction ?
Ans. Fetch -> Decode -> Execute -> Interrupt
Q 28. Machine instruction LDA M used for ?
Ans. It is used to load the content on memory M to A.
Q 29. What is the term 'Bit Twiddling' ?
Ans. The operation perform to manipulate individual bit is called bit twiddling.
Q 30. What are the characteristics of EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing) ?
Ans. It uses parallel instrcutions.
In which compiler play key role in designing the plan of execution cycle.
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