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Important Computer Architecture Questions and Answers

Important Computer Architecture Questions and Answers

In this post we have listed some important one-line Computer architecture questions based on arithmetic and logical unit, registers, microprocessors, memory unit, instruction format, cycle, read-only memory, motherboard, type of buses, etc.

Must go through these computer architecture questions answers for your competitive exam preparation.

Q 31. The operand is also called as _____ ?
Ans. Data
Q 32. Which instruction set used to operate at higher speed ?
Ans. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing)
Q 33. What is the storage capacity of Blue Ray disk ?
Ans. 25 GB per layer space.
Q 34. What is the seek time of a hard drive ?
Ans. Seek time is the time taken for a hard disk controller to find a specific piece of stored data in hard disk.
Q 35. What is the storage capacity of Floppy Disk ?
Ans. 1.44 MB
Q 36. On which type of memory, information can be changed by exposing to Ultra Vioilet light ?
Ans. EPROM (Erasable Programmable ROM)
Q 37. What stands for EEPROM ?
Ans. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Momory.
Q 38. Which type of RAM is commonly used in Cache ?
Ans. Static RAM
Q 39. What is the role of Direct Memory Access (DMA) ?
Ans. Its transfer the data between memory and I/O device directly without the interrupt of CPU.
Q 40. The speed of a printer is normally calculated by ?
Ans. Pages Per Minute (PPM)
Q 41. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is used for ?
Ans. To convert book and documents into electronic files.
Q 42. Plotter is which type of a device ?
Ans. Output Device
Q 43. Which technology used in banking industry to facilitate the processing of cheques ?
Ans. MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition)
Q 44. You can have multiple PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) buses on the same computer, is it True or False ?
Ans. True
Q 45. Secondary memory is also called ?
Ans. Auxilary memory
Q 46. The control unit uses _____ inputs ?
Ans. Clock
Q 47. Which register is used to storing data and for carrying out airthmatic and logic manipulations ?
Ans. Accumulator.
Q 48. What is a Program Counter?
Ans. A program counter is a register in a computer processor that contain the address of the CPU instruction being executed at the current time.
Q 49. What is microprogram ?
Ans. The set of instructions indicating the primitive operations in a system.
Q 50. In which type of addressing mode, the operand is given explicitly in the instruction ?
Ans. Immediate mode
Q 51. MOV and JMP are which type of instruction ?
Ans. Program control instruction
Q 52. The addressing mode used in an instruction of the form ADD A, B is ?
Ans. Absolute
Q 53. Which memory does not loose its content when power gets off ?
Ans. Non-volatile
Q 54. Performance enhance when increase the RAM of a computer because ?
Ans. Fewer page fault occur
Q 55. The speed of operations of Cache Memory used in computers is slower than that of ?
Ans. Registers in CPU
Q 56. Flip Flop circuit store _______ of data ?
Ans. One bit
Q 57. COBOL stands for ?
Ans. Common business oriented language
Q 58. 3rd generation computer is based on which technology ?
Ans. Integrated Chip
Q 59. Transistors used in which generation in computer ?
Ans. 2nd Generation
Q 60. John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the inventor of ?
Ans. UNIAC (1947)