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Data Structures and Algorithms Questions and Answers

Data Structures and Algorithms Questions and Answers

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer preparing for Data Structures and Algorithms interviews, understanding data structures and algorithms is essential for solving complex problems efficiently. These data structure questions and answers will help you increase your knowledge, and enhance your problem-solving skills.

Let's check it out some important Data structure questions and answers which are based on topics like arrays and linked lists, graph theory, etc.

Q 61. In RDBMS, what is the efficient data structure used in the internal storage representation ?
Ans. B + tree
Q 62. What is the bucked size, when the overlapping and collision occur at same time ?
Ans. One
Q 63. What type of algorithm used in solving the 8 queue problem ?
Ans. Back tracking
Q 64. In tree construction, which is suitable data structure ?
Ans. Linked list
Q 65. Applications that are used in Multilinked Structures ?
Ans. Sparse matrix and Index generation
Q 66. Tree data structure are used in which applications ?
Ans. Manipulation of airthmetic expression
Symbol table construction
Syntax analysis
Q 67. What are methods available in storing sequential files ?
Ans. Straight merging, Natural merging, Polyphase sort and Distribution of Initial runs
Q 68. Sorting is not possible by using which method ?
Ans. Deletion
Q 69. Which operator has highest associativity precedence ?
Ans. Exponentation (^)
Q 70. What are the notations used in evaluation of airthmetic expression using Prefix and Postfix forms?
Ans. Polish and Reverse Polish notations
Q 71. Minimum number of queue needed to implement the Priority Queue ?
Ans. Two
Q 72. What data structure used in RDBMS ?
Ans. Array
Q 73. A leaf node in a tree ?
Ans. Has no children
Q 74. Which data strcuture is suitable for evaluating positive expression ?
Ans. Stack
Q 75. What is the limitation of binary search algorithm ?
Ans. It is not efficient when the data elements are more than 1000.
Q 76. The memory address of the first element of an array is called ?
Ans. Base address
Q 77. Which sorting technique is based on 'Divide and Merge strategy' ?
Ans. Merge sort
Q 78. Which sorting technique is based on comparing two adjoining values and exchange them ?
Ans. Bubble sort
Q 79. Which type of searching is always performed on sorted array elements ?
Ans. Binary Search
Q 80. What is sparse array ?
Ans. It is an array in which entries are zero or null ( some other default value).
Q 81. Whats is balanced binary tree ?
Ans. In which the left and right subtree of every node differ in height by no more than 1.
Q 82. Which data structure is used to represent data in hierarchical relationship format ?
Ans. Tree
Q 83. In which data strcuture items are deleted from one end and inserted at other end ?
Ans. Queue
Q 84. Which command used in stack to delete a element ?
Ans. Pop
Q 85. Which command used in stack to insert a new element ?
Ans. Push
Q 86. Which sorting algorithm uses recursion ?
Ans. Heap sort
Q 87. How to define end of list in linked list ?
Ans. Using null pointer
Q 88. Which data structure is used to implement a Queue ?
Ans. A circular linked list
Q 89. Stack data structure is also called ?
Ans. LIFO (Last In First Out)
Q 90. Queue can be used to implement ?
Ans. Redix sort