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Important Computer Fundamentals Question and Answers

Important Computer Fundamentals Question and Answers

This post includes all the important computer fundamentals questions and answers such as input devices, output devices, memory, CPU, motherboard, computer network, virus, software, hardware etc.

Q 91. URL stands for ?
Ans. Uniform resource locator
Q 92. How many printing characters are there in ASCII ?
Ans. 94
Q 93. The process of communication first step is ?
Ans. Encoding
Q 94. What is the value of Terabyte ?
Ans. 240
Q 95. Which is used to store large amount of data ?
Ans. Auxilary storage
Q 96. Punch card is invented by whom ?
Ans. Herman Hollerith
Q 97. Which is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets means and methods of making computer think like human beings ?
Ans. Artificial Intelligence
Q 98. A computer can not 'Boot' if it does not have ?
Ans. Operating system
Q 99. Junk e-mail is also called ?
Ans. Spam
Q 100. CD-ROM stands for ?
Ans. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
Q 101. Wha is a light pen ?
Ans. Optical input device
Q 102. Which device is required for the internet connection ?
Ans. Modem
Q 103. What type of resource is most likely to be shared a common resource in a computer network ?
Ans. Printer
Q 104. Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called ?
Ans. Password
Q 105. In computer you organized files by storing them in a ?
Ans. Folder
Q 106. The term computer is derived from ?
Ans. Latin
Q 107. The printed output from a computer is called ?
Ans. Hard copy
Q 108. Which is the result of the output given by computer called ?
Ans. Information
Q 109. 8 bit make up a ?
Ans. 1 byte
Q 110. The ouput shown on the computer monitor is called ?
Ans. Soft copy