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Important Computer Fundamentals Question and Answers

Important Computer Fundamentals Question and Answers

This post includes all the important computer fundamentals questions and answers such as input devices, output devices, memory, CPU, motherboard, computer network, virus, software, hardware etc.

Q 31. Which protocol is used to recieve an email ?
Ans. POP3
Q 32. In computer world, Trojen refer to ?
Ans. Malware
Q 33. Computer hard disk was first introduced in 1956 by whom ?
Ans. IBM
Q 34. Which is the first fully supported 64 bit operating system ?
Ans. Linux
Q 35. In ASCII how many codes used ?
Ans. 128
Q 36. What is the full form of '.PST' ?
Ans. Personal storage table
Q 37. Who is the founder of 'Wikileaks' ?
Ans. Julian Assange
Q 38. Which type of files can not be navigated using clip art browser ?
Ans. MP3 files
Q 39. What is the port number of SMTP ?
Ans. 25
Q 40. What is the port number of POP3 ?
Ans. 110
Q 41. Basic interface in ISDN refers to the transmission speed of ?
Ans. 144 kbps
Q 42. Moving process from the main memory to disk is called ?
Ans. Swapping
Q 43. The type of computers which can executes millions of instructions and billion of data per second is known as ?
Ans. Mainframe computer
Q 44. Which IP address can not be assign to a computer system in a network ?
Q 45. Write the name of direct entry point input device ?
Ans. Mouse
Q 46. When a computer is turned on, a special type of absolute loader is executed known as ?
Ans. Bootstrap loader
Q 47. The maximum speed at which the data can be transmitted on each channel of a standard PCM stream is ?
Ans. 64 kbps
Q 48. Who is the founder of Bluetooth ?
Ans. Erricson
Q 49. Total number of pins in a serial port is ?
Ans. 9
Q 50. _______ folder contains the recently viewed web pages content ?
Ans. Temporary internet files
Q 51. Magnetic disk is a Primary or Secondary storage device ?
Ans. Secondary storage.
Q 52. Name of the Microsoft personal information manager is ?
Ans. Outlook
Q 53. The simplest CPU scheduling algorithm is ?
Ans. FCFS Scheduling
Q 54. What is the full form of PDF ?
Ans. Portable Document Format
Q 55. Who is the founder of IBM company ?
Ans. Thomas J. Watson
Q 56. In which year, the Microsoft company was founded ?
Ans. 1975
Q 57. In reference to a computer as assembler is a ?
Ans. Program
Q 58. Cache are usually built out of ?
Q 59. Magnetic disk is an example of ?
Ans. Offline storage
Q 60. The information transfers between the CPU and Cache is in term of ?
Ans. Words