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Child Development & Pedagogy Questions and Answers for REET Exam

Child Development & Pedagogy Questions and Answers for REET Exam

The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan conducts Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET). The State level RTET exam is conducted for the recruitment of Level 1 or Primary Teachers and Level 2 or Upper Primary Teachers.

Child development & pedagogy (CDP) is very important section in this exam. Here we listed some important child development & pedagogy questions and answers for REET exam.

Q 31. The various aspects such as language, technology, economic system, education and various aspects of human civilisation etc.are collectively called as ?
Ans. Biophysical environment
Q 32. Demonstrating close to real life situation is possible through which ?
Ans. Stimulated learning
Q 33. What do children need to learn when they acquire a language ?
Ans. Phonology,lexicon , grammar and pragmatics
Q 34. Which technology aided learning methods could be a good substitute for a field trip ?
Ans. Interactive learning programme
Q 35. Use of educational technology is a advantageous over many other methods because ?
Ans. It provide wider range of sensory involvement
Q 36. Who is regarded the father of Demonstrative Geometry ?
Ans. Euclid
Q 37. What is the academic style of language expected in the classroom context ?
Ans. Interpersonal stance ( discussion and negotiation in the class )
Q 38. West's method aims at the development of __________which is an essential and salient feature of language learning ?
Ans. Vocabulary
Q 39. How does technology help a teacher in improving teaching ?
Ans. AV recording and reflecting on teaching
Q 40. "Teaching is done in a practical manner which is systematically worked out." Which lentils corresponds to the statement ?
Ans. Meaningful approach
Q 41. Which is NOT the characteristic of educational technology ?
Ans. It makes the teaching process monotonous
Q 42. What is the use of a big book in the classroom ?
Ans. It helps the children to engage and actively discuss what they think the story is going to be
Q 43. What is the full form of STM ?
Ans. Phonological short- term memory
Q 44. Who is the most influential exponent of cognitivism ?
Ans. Jean Piaget
Q 45. "Puzzles are also called as brain teasers." Puzzles in mathematics help students in a math class to ?
Ans. Develop power of thinking and reasoning in the students.
Q 46. In Psychoanalysis theory of Freud, "ID" refers to ?
Ans. Unconscious in nature and has no direst contact with reality
Q 47. Which is NOT carried out in Post- Active phase of teaching ?
Ans. Setting of educational objective
Q 48. One teaching approach is to use a mental map. It is used when which is a part of educational philosophy ?
Ans. Rationalism
Q 49. Gender diversity means ?
Ans. Equal ratio of males and females
Q 50. One of the factors which obstruct learning is ?
Ans. Egoistic feeling
Q 51. Techniques for fostering creativity in children include ?
Ans. Concept presentation, Problem solving, Group discussion
Q 52. What is the correct sequence of steps in affective domain of learning ?
Ans. Receiving -> Responding -> Valuing -> Organisation -> Characterization
Q 53. In project method of teaching, the role of teacher is _________?
Ans. Friend, Philosopher and Guide
Q 54. Which is NOT a part of motivation process ?
Ans. Heredity
Q 55. Which are important elements of achievement motivation of students ?
Ans. Home environment, School environment and Social environment
Q 56. In inclusive term, exceptional children means ?
Ans. The gifted intelligent, backward, mentally retarded children
Q 57. Who is the father of child psychology ?
Ans. Stanley Hall
Q 58. Chomsky's theory of language development helps language teachers because he believes that ?
Ans. Children are born with an inherent ability to learn any human language
Q 59. What do you understand by Piaget's sensorimotor stage ?
Ans. Children learn about the world through their senses.
Q 60. What do you understand by memory in the cognitive domain ?
Ans. Recalling or retrieving previously learned information