REET Child Development & Pedagogy Questions and Answers

Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET) is conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan. The State level RTET exam is conducted for the recruitment of Level 1 or Primary Teachers and Level 2 or Upper Primary Teachers.

Child development & pedagogy (CDP) is very important section in this exam. Here we listed some important REET child development & pedagogy questions and answers for competative TET exams.

Q 31. The various aspects such as language, technology, economic system, education and various aspects of human civilisation etc.are collectively called as ?
Ans. Biophysical environment
Q 32. Demonstrating close to real life situation is possible through which ?
Ans. Stimulated learning
Q 33. What do children need to learn when they acquire a language ?
Ans. Phonology,lexicon , grammar and pragmatics
Q 34. Which technology aided learning methods could be a good substitute for a field trip ?
Ans. Interactive learning programme
Q 35. Use of educational technology is a advantageous over many other methods because ?
Ans. It provide wider range of sensory involvement
Q 36. Who is regarded the father of Demonstrative Geometry ?
Ans. Euclid
Q 37. What is the academic style of language expected in the classroom context ?
Ans. Interpersonal stance ( discussion and negotiation in the class )
Q 38. West's method aims at the development of __________which is an essential and salient feature of language learning ?
Ans. Vocabulary
Q 39. How does technology help a teacher in improving teaching ?
Ans. AV recording and reflecting on teaching
Q 40. "Teaching is done in a practical manner which is systematically worked out." Which lentils corresponds to the statement ?
Ans. Meaningful approach
Q 41. Which is NOT the characteristic of educational technology ?
Ans. It makes the teaching process monotonous
Q 42. What is the use of a big book in the classroom ?
Ans. It helps the children to engage and actively discuss what they think the story is going to be
Q 43. What is the full form of STM ?
Ans. Phonological short- term memory
Q 44. Who is the most influential exponent of cognitivism ?
Ans. Jean Piaget
Q 45. "Puzzles are also called as brain teasers." Puzzles in mathematics help students in a math class to ?
Ans. Develop power of thinking and reasoning in the students.
Q 46. In Psychoanalysis theory of Freud, "ID" refers to ?
Ans. Unconscious in nature and has no direst contact with reality
Q 47. Which is NOT carried out in Post- Active phase of teaching ?
Ans. Setting of educational objective
Q 48. One teaching approach is to use a mental map. It is used when which is a part of educational philosophy ?
Ans. Rationalism
Q 49. Gender diversity means ?
Ans. Equal ratio of males and females
Q 50. One of the factors which obstruct learning is ?
Ans. Egoistic feeling
Q 51. Techniques for fostering creativity in children include ?
Ans. Concept presentation, Problem solving, Group discussion
Q 52. What is the correct sequence of steps in affective domain of learning ?
Ans. Receiving -> Responding -> Valuing -> Organisation -> Characterization
Q 53. In project method of teaching, the role of teacher is _________?
Ans. Friend, Philosopher and Guide
Q 54. Which is NOT a part of motivation process ?
Ans. Heredity
Q 55. Which are important elements of achievement motivation of students ?
Ans. Home environment, School environment and Social environment
Q 56. In inclusive term, exceptional children means ?
Ans. The gifted intelligent, backward, mentally retarded children
Q 57. Who is the father of child psychology ?
Ans. Stanley Hall
Q 58. Chomsky's theory of language development helps language teachers because he believes that ?
Ans. Children are born with an inherent ability to learn any human language
Q 59. What do you understand by Piaget's sensorimotor stage ?
Ans. Children learn about the world through their senses.
Q 60. What do you understand by memory in the cognitive domain ?
Ans. Recalling or retrieving previously learned information
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