Database Management System (DBMS) One Liner Questions

DBMS is a software used to store, manage, retrieve and define data in a database. It acts as an interface between the user and the database. There are many commands in this, by which the user can easily work in the database.

In this post, we have listed some important Database management system (DBMS) question answers in one line format. These DBMS questions collected from previous competative exams and very much helpful for those, who is doing prepration for exams like HTET, CTET, KVS, NVS, DSSSB, REET, UPTET and other state staff selection exams.

Q 31. _______ produces the relation that has attributes of R1 and R2 ?
Ans. Cartesian product
Q 32. Relational algebra is called ?
Ans. Procedural query language
Q 33. SET concept is used in ?
Ans. Network Model
Q 34. in E-R model doubly outlined rectangle symbol used to represent ?
Ans. A week entity set
Q 35. An advantage of the database management approch is ?
Ans. Data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs
Q 36. Count function in SQL returns the number of _____ ?
Ans. Values
Q 37. A sub schema expresses ?
Ans. The external view
Q 38. The method in which records are physically stored in a specified order according to a key ?
Ans. Hash
Q 39. Conceptual design invloves ?
Ans. Modeling independence of the DBMS
Q 40. What is the important feature of Relational Model ?
Ans. It has much more data independance then some other database models.
Q 41. A relational database developer refers to a record as ?
Ans. Tupple
Q 42. The DBMS language component which can be embedded in a program is ?
Ans. DML
Q 43. A report generator is used to ?
Ans. Print files on paper
Q 44. In a E-R diagram an entity set is represent by a ?
Ans. Reactangle
Q 45. The way a particular applications view the data from the database that the application used is a ?
Ans. Subschema
Q 46. The langauge which has recently become the defacto standard for interfacing application programs with relational database system is ?
Ans. SQL
Q 47. Related fields in a database are grouped to form a ?
Ans. Data record
Q 48. A logical schema is called ?
Ans. Entire database
Q 49. Which language used in application programs to request data from the DBMS is referred as ?
Ans. DML
Q 50. In case of entity integrity, the primary key may be ?
Ans. Not null
Q 51. In a E-R diagram attributes are represented by ?
Ans. Ellipse
Q 52. In the architecture of a database system, external level is called ?
Ans. View level
Q 53. The database schema is written in which lanauage ?
Ans. DDL (Data defination langauge)
Q 54. In a relational models, relations are termed as ?
Ans. Tables
Q 55. Architecture of the database can be viewed as ?
Ans. Three levels
Q 56. ODBC stands for ?
Ans. Open database connectivity
Q 57. In SQL 'As' clause is used for ?
Ans. Rename operation
Q 58. DML is provided for ?
Ans. Manipulation & processing of the database
Q 59. Cartesian product in relational algebra is called ?
Ans. Binary operator
Q 60. The view of the total database content is called ?
Ans. Conceptual view
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