Database Management System (DBMS) One Liner Questions

DBMS is a software used to store, manage, retrieve and define data in a database. It acts as an interface between the user and the database. There are many commands in this, by which the user can easily work in the database.

In this post, we have listed some important Database management system (DBMS) question answers in one line format. These DBMS questions collected from previous competative exams and very much helpful for those, who is doing prepration for exams like HTET, CTET, KVS, NVS, DSSSB, REET, UPTET and other state staff selection exams.

Q 61. Relational calculas is a ?
Ans. Non-procedural langauge
Q 62. In the relational database model, Cardinality is termed as ?
Ans. A number of tupples
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