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Child Development And Pedagogy Questions For HTET

Child Development And Pedagogy Questions For HTET

In this post, we have collected very important and previous year based Child Development and Pedagogy questions and answers for HTET exam. These HTET CDP questions, related to previous HTET papers and also covered important topics. All the questions are in one liner format, so you quickly read and learn it easily.

Q 91. "Sign language" is used for which type of differently abled children ?
Ans. Hearing disabled
Q 92. "Insight theory" of learning is also known as ?
Ans. Gestalt theory
Q 93. The differences in attitude, interest, achievement and learning style of learner indicates which type of differences ?
Ans. individual differences
Q 94. A teacher taught to the students that plural of 'Girl' is 'Girls' with this learning the students make plural of 'woman' is 'womans'. This is an example of which type of learning ?
Ans. Negative
Q 95. Which is NOT an element of co-operative learning ?
Ans. Large goup
Q 96. "Basal Age" is related to the measurement of __________?
Ans. Intelligence
Q 97. The personality and intelligence quotient of Mohan are different from Sohan. What are these differences called ?
Ans. Intra Individual differences
Q 98. Which is NOT an innate motive ?
Ans. Achievement
Q 99. "Army-Alpha Test of intelligence" is a type of ?
Ans. Verbal Group Test
Q 100. According to Erikson's Theory of psycho-social development, which stage is related to the age of 6 to 12 years ?
Ans. Industry versus inferiority
Q 101. Which is NOT related to "Torrance Test of creativity" ?
Ans. New relationship between pairs related task
Q 102. Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become more likely to occur again in that situation. This law of learning given by whom ?
Ans. Thorndike
Q 103. The group- factor theory of intelligence is given by which psychologist ?
Ans. Thurston
Q 104. Sheldon has divided all human beings into different categories on the physical dimensions. What is this method of personality study ?
Ans. Type method
Q 105. Which step is NOT included in problem solving ?
Ans. Responding to the stimulus.
Q 106. The nature of emotion correctly depicts in which of the following statement ?
Ans. Every emotion is accompained by a feeling.
Q 107. According to Vygotsky, a range of task too difficult for the child to do alone, but possible with the help of adults and more skilled peers is called what ?
Ans. Zone of proximal development.
Q 108. The domains of development such as physical, cognitive, social and emotional are developed in which one of the following process ?
Ans. Integrated and holistically.
Q 109. A child who is high and low in a characteristic (such as anxiety or sociability) will remain so at later ages. This statement stresses on the importance of ?
Ans. Hereditary
Q 110. Which is NOT the characteristic of disadvantages child ?
Ans. Provide the basic and universal right.
Q 111. Which is the highest level of learning in the hierarchy proposed by Gagne ?
Ans. Problem Solving Learning
Q 112. Which behavioural characteristic is NOT related to the motivated behaviour of the individual ?
Ans. separated
Q 113. According to Chomsky, an innate capacity to acquire language is the result for our uniquely human biological inheritance is called ?
Ans. Language Acquisition Device.
Q 114. What is the term "INCLUSION" means educating a child with special need in the regular classroom ?
Ans. Full time.
Q 115. What is the characteristic of social constructivist approach of learning ?
Ans. Emphasis on collaboration with others for learning.
Q 116. Which is a significant fact about the development ?
Ans. It is a product of the interaction of hereditary and environment.
Q 117. Learning disability can be appropriately defined as:
Ans. It is intrinsic and due to central nervous system dysfunction.
Q 118. Which statement is CORRECT about the continuous and comprehensive evaluation of learner ?
Ans. Summative assessment is called Formal assessment.
Q 119. Which tool is NOT seems to be appropriate for Formative Assessment ?
Ans. Criterion Referenced Test
Q 120. Which parenting styles is most effective for development of children's social competence ?
Ans. Authoritative