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Work and Energy Class 9 Important Question and Answer

Q 1. When the energy is possessed in motion there will be?
Ans. Kinetic energy.
Q 2. When the energy is possessed in motion there will be?
Ans. Kinetic energy.
Q 3. When the energy is possessed in motion there will be?
Ans. Kinetic energy.
Q 4. When two identical bodies are in motion, the body will higher velocity has?
Ans. Higher kinetic energy.

Q 5. Formula of work done?
Ans. Force × displacement.
Q 6. Find the energy in kwh consumed in 10 hours by four devices of power 500W each?
Ans. 20 kwh.
Q 7. An electric heater is rated 1500 W. How much energy it use in 10 hours?
Ans. 15 kwh.
Q 8. A mass of 10 kgs is at a point A on a table. It is moved to a point B. If the line joining A and B is horizontal, what will be the work done?
Ans. Zero.
Q 9. When a ball is eventually stops on reaching the ground its kinetic energy is?
Ans. Zero.
Q 10. How many watts have 1 horse power?
Ans. 746 watt.
Q 11. Combination of kinetic and potential energy is called?
Ans. Mechanical energy.
Q 12. How much the work done by the force of gravity on a satellite moving around the earth?
Ans. Zero.

Q 13. Energy used in 1 hour at the rate of 1 kw is called?
Ans. 1 KWH.
Q 14. 1 joule is equal to?
Ans. 1 Newton × 1 metre.
Q 15. If the displacement of the object is zero, how much work is done by the object?
Ans. Zero.
Q 16. Name the unit of work?
Ans. Joule.
Q 17. What will be the weight of freely failing body?
Ans. Zero.
Q 18. SI unit of power?
Ans. Watt.
Q 19. Define power?
Ans. Rate of doing work is called power.
Q 20. Name two types of energy?
Ans. Mechanical and Kinetic energy.
Q 21. Energy can only be transformed from one form to another, it can neither be created nor destroyed. This statement shows which law of Energy?
Ans. Law of conservation of energy.