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Tissues Class 9 Science Question and Answers

Q 1. Which muscle movement of food in the alimentary canal?
Ans. Involuntary muscles.
Q 2. Name the tissue that is responsible for movement in our body?
Ans. Muscular.
Q 3. Name the tissue that makes up the husk of coconut?
Ans. Sclerenchyma.
Q 4. Xylem and phloem are?
Ans. Complex tissue.

Q 5. Name the tissue that stores fat in our body?
Ans. Adipose.
Q 6. Name the tissue that composed of brain, spinal cord and nerves?
Ans. Nervous tissue.
Q 7. Name the tissue that is present in our brain?
Ans. Nervous.
Q 8. Name the tissue that connects muscles to bone in human?
Ans. Tendons.
Q 9. Name the tissue that is found between the skin and muscles, around blood vessel and in the bone marrow?
Ans. Areolar connective tissue.
Q 10. The gap between two neurons is called?
Ans. Synapse.
Q 11. Cardiac muscles us present in?
Ans. Heart.
Q 12. Name that tissue which connects bone to bone?
Ans. Ligaments.

Q 13. Our skin is made of which tissue?
Ans. Stratified squamous Epithelium.
Q 14. Name the tissue present in the hard covering of seeds and nuts?
Ans. Sclerenchyma.
Q 15. Name the outermost layer of cell in plants?
Ans. Epidermis.
Q 16. Name the tissue that stored food in plants?
Ans. Parenchyma.
Q 17. Examples of Muscular tissues?
Ans. Striated, Unstriated and Cardiac tissue.
Q 18. Name the tissue that provides flexibility in plants?
Ans. Collenchyma.
Q 19. Which type of tissue is in the bones of our body?
Ans. Connective tissue.
Q 20. Which tissue forms the inner lining of our mouth?
Ans. Squamous Epithelium.
Q 21. Which tissue is a connective tissue with fluid matrix?
Ans. Blood.
Q 22. Which type of tissues is in the lining of kidney tubule?
Ans. Cuboidal Epithelium.