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Why Do We Fall ill Class 9 Question and Answers

Q 1. Green house gas included?
Ans. Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide and chloroformcarbon.
Q 2. Name that protozoa which are responsible for kala - Azar?
Ans. Leishmania.
Q 3. Name the person who discovered vaccine for small pox?
Ans. Edward Jenner.
Q 4. Name the person who discovered vaccine for rabies?
Ans. Luis Pasteur.

Q 5. Air transmitted diseases like?
Ans. Common cold, Tuberculosis and Pneumonia.
Q 6. Which body part is affected by jaundice?
Ans. Liver.
Q 7. Which body part is affected by tuberculosis?
Ans. Lungs.
Q 8. Name two sexualy transmitted disease?
Ans. AIDS and Syphilis.
Q 9. Chlorea is spread through?
Ans. Unsafe drinking water.
Q 10. Name the person who discovered penicillin in 1928?
Ans. Alexander flaming.
Q 11. Name the part of body that are affected by peptic ulcers?
Ans. Stomach.
Q 12. Common skin infection are caused by?
Ans. Fungi.

Q 13. The health of an individual is dependent upon,?
Ans. Economic status and physical surroundings.
Q 14. The antibiotics penicillin are made from?
Ans. Fungus.
Q 15. The antibiotics penicillin are made from?
Ans. Fungus.
Q 16. Name the person who discovered bacteria?
Ans. Leeuwenhoek.
Q 17. Name the first vaccine in the world discovered in 1796?
Ans. Smallpox.
Q 18. Dengue fever and AIDS disease are caused by?
Ans. Virus.
Q 19. Malaria and kala-azar disease are caused by?
Ans. Protozoa.
Q 20. Name the bacteria responsible for peptic ulcers?
Ans. Helicobacter pylori.
Q 21. A state of physical, mental and social well-being is called?
Ans. Health.