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Reproduction in Animals Class 8 Questions and Answers

Q 1. Name the female gamete in human is called?
Ans. Ova.
Q 2. The eggs in females is produced by?
Ans. Ovaries.
Q 3. The male gamete is called?
Ans. Sperm.
Q 4. Examples of oviparous animals?
Ans. 1.Dog

Q 5. Paramecium reproduces by dividing itself into two daughters cells. This process is called?
Ans. Binary fission.
Q 6. Budding is seen in?
Ans. Hydra.
Q 7. How many parents are involved in sexual reproduction?
Ans. 2.
Q 8. Why reproduction is necessary for living being?
Ans. For continuing the species forever.
Q 9. Egg laid after Fertilisation is made up of?
Ans. Single cell.
Q 10. Full form of IVF?
Ans. In Vitro Fertilisation.
Q 11. Name the first cloned mammal which was born in 5 July 1996 at Edinburgh in Scotland?
Ans. Sheep name dolly.
Q 12. Name the animals which give birth to young ones are called?
Ans. Viviparous.

Q 13. Name the animal which lay eggs are called?
Ans. Oviparous.
Q 14. The number of nuclei presents in a zygote is?
Ans. Two.
Q 15. A tadpole develops into an adult frog by the process of?
Ans. Metamorphosis.
Q 16. Internal fertilisation occurs in?
Ans. Female body.
Q 17. Which is a unit of inheritance in living organisms?
Ans. Gene.
Q 18. What are the steps included in life stage of bacteria?
Ans. 1.Lag phase
2.Log or exponential phase
3.Stationary phase
4. Death phase.
Q 19. What are the different steps in life stages of frog?
Ans. 1.Egg
Q 20. Name the steps in the life cycle of silkworm?
Ans. Egg> Larva or caterpillar> Pupa> Adult.