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Force and Pressure Class 8 Questions Answers

Q 1. Name the force behind the fallen of fruits from trees?
Ans. Gravitational force.
Q 2. What is the net force applied on a object, when two force acts on opposite directions?
Ans. Difference between the two forces.
Q 3. What changes occur on the object when force applied?
Ans. It's speed, motion and shape all are changed.
Q 4. Name the force exerted by our muscles is called?
Ans. Muscular force.

Q 5. What is the another name of muscular force?
Ans. Contact force.
Q 6. Name the force exerted by the earth to pull the object towards itself is called?
Ans. Gravitational force.
Q 7. Why the two objects repels each other?
Ans. Either a magnetic or an electrostatic force.
Q 8. The force applied by an archer to stretch the bow is?
Ans. Muscular force.
Q 9. What is the reason behind for rise of liquid medicine in a dropper?
Ans. Atmospheric pressure.
Q 10. A nail is fixed in a wall due to?
Ans. Friction.
Q 11. What is the Force per unit area is called?
Ans. Pressure.
Q 12. Examples of contact force?
Ans. Muscular and Friction force.

Q 13. How the strength of a force is usually expressed by its?
Ans. Magnitude.
Q 14. What do you mean by "a push or a pull" of an objects is called?
Ans. Force.
Q 15. Name the frictional force exerted by fluids is called?
Ans. Drag.
Q 16. What is the common name for Fluids?
Ans. Gases and Liquids.
Q 17. To move a loaded trolley we have to apply?
Ans. Push force.
Q 18. A charged body attracts an?
Ans. Uncharged body.
Q 19. To draw water from a well we have to apply?
Ans. Pull force at the rope.
Q 20. Which scientists invented a pump to extract air out of a vessel and demonstrated force of air pressure by employing eight horses on each hemisphere to pull them apart?
Ans. Otto Von Guericke.