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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants

Q 1. The product of photosynthesis is a type of?
Ans. Simple carbohydrates.
Q 2. Define transpiration?
Ans. Loss of water from leaves.
Q 3. How many important nutrients does plant require?
Ans. 17
Q 4. Why farmers add manure to soil?
Ans. To add nutrition in the soil.

Q 5. How guard cell regulate?
Ans. By opening and closing of stomata.
Q 6. How do plants absorbs minerals from soil?
Ans. By roots.
Q 7. Name the main product of photosynthesis?
Ans. Glucose.
Q 8. What are the primary mode of nutrition in plants?
Ans. Autotrophic.
Q 9. Name the plant which traps and feed on insects?
Ans. Pitcher plant.
Q 10. Plants take carbon dioxide from atmosphere mainly through?
Ans. Leaves.
Q 11. Examples of saprotrophs?
Ans. 1.Fungi
Q 12. Which gas is produced during photosynthesis?
Ans. Oxygen.

Q 13. Bacteria called rhizobium are?
Ans. Symbiosis.
Q 14. Organisms called lichens are?
Ans. Symbiosis.
Q 15. Name the organisms which take in nutrients from dead and decaying matter?
Ans. Saprotrophs.
Q 16. What are the necessary process to carry out photosynthesis?
Ans. Chlorophyll, Sunlight, Carbon dioxide and Water.
Q 17. Animals and other organisms takes food prepared by food is known as?
Ans. Heterotrophs.
Q 18. A parasitic plant with yellow, slender and branched stem is called?
Ans. Cuscuta (amarbel)
Q 19. The pores through which leaves exchange gases?
Ans. Stomata.
Q 20. Name the plant they is partially autotrophic?
Ans. Pitcher plant.
Q 21. During the process of photosynthesis plant release and take which gas?
Ans. Release- Oxygen.
Take- Carbon dioxide.
Q 22. In photosynthesis solar energy is absorbed by the ligament called?
Ans. Chlorophyll.

Q 23. The food synthesis by plants is stored in the form of?
Ans. Starch.
Q 24. Define symbiosis?
Ans. Those organisms which live together and share both shelter and nutrients.
Q 25. What is the ultimate source of energy?
Ans. Sun.
Q 26. Define chlorophyll?
Ans. The leaves have a green pigment called chlorophyll.
Q 27. What are the food factories of plants?
Ans. Leaves.
Q 28. Name the organisms which make their own food?
Ans. Autotrophic.
Q 29. How plants prepare their own food?
Ans. By using water, carbon dioxide and minerals.
Q 30. How human and animals are dependent on plants?
Ans. Directly or indirectly dependent.