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Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Question Answer: Nutrition in Animals

Q 1. ORS means?
Ans. Oral Rehydration Solution.
Q 2. Cellulose is a type of?
Ans. Carbohydrates.
Q 3. Animals like horses and cow, the cellulose of food digested in?
Ans. Caecum.
Q 4. Amoeba used his false feet for movement and for capture food is called?
Ans. Pseudopodia.

Q 5. Where Amoeba found in?
Ans. Pond water.
Q 6. Name the part of digestive canal which is involved in formation of faeces?
Ans. Large intestine.
Q 7. What is the length of small intestine?
Ans. 7.5 meters.
Q 8. What is the length of large intestine?
Ans. 1.5 meters.
Q 9. Number of Incisor teeth are?
Ans. 8.
Q 10. Number of Canine teeth are?
Ans. 4.
Q 11. Number of Premolar teeth are?
Ans. 8.
Q 12. Number of Molar teeth are?
Ans. 12.

Q 13. Numberb of Milk teeth are?
Ans. 20.
Q 14. Name the single cell organism?
Ans. Amoeba.
Q 15. Name the digestion process of grass eating animals?
Ans. Rumination.
Q 16. The shape of a stomach thick-walled bag is?
Ans. U- Shape.
Q 17. Breakdown of complex substances of food into simpler substances is called?
Ans. Digestion.
Q 18. Define the location of salivary gland?
Ans. Salivary gland is present in buccal cavity and it secretes saliva.
Q 19. Name the part which completely involved in digestion of food?
Ans. Small intestine.
Q 20. Which part of digestive canal is involved in killing of bacteria?
Ans. Stomach.
Q 21. Name the part which involves in chewing of food?
Ans. Buccal cavity.
Q 22. Name the part of digestive canal which involved in absorption of food?
Ans. Small intestine.

Q 23. Instant energy giving food?
Ans. Glucose.
Q 24. Which type of carbohydrates can be digested by ruminate but not by humans?
Ans. Cellulose.
Q 25. Name the component of food which bile help to digest?
Ans. Fats.
Q 26. Name that place where bile is produced in human body?
Ans. Liver.
Q 27. In human body Fats convert into?
Ans. Fatty acid and Glycerol.
Q 28. In human body Carbohydrates convert into?
Ans. Glucose.
Q 29. In human body Proteins convert into?
Ans. Amino acid.
Q 30. Water from undigested food is absorbed mainly in?
Ans. Large intestine.