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NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 12 Forest Questions with Answers

Q 1. Large scale removal of trees from forest is called?
Ans. Deforestation.
Q 2. Planting of a tree on a large scale is called?
Ans. Afforestation.
Q 3. Forests are also called?
Ans. Green lungs.
Q 4. Cinchona tree is used for?
Ans. Treating malaria.

Q 5. Name the branch element of the tree above the stem?
Ans. Crown.
Q 6. Forests is a purifier of?
Ans. Air and Water.
Q 7. Forests are the lifeline for?
Ans. Forest - dwelling communities.
Q 8. How soil helps forests?
Ans. To grow and regenerate.
Q 9. What happen when the forest disappeared?
Ans. Amount of carbon dioxide in air will increases.
Q 10. Dead animals become food for which animals?
Ans. Vultures, Crows, Jackals and Insects.
Q 11. The micro-organisms which convert the dead plants and animals to humus are known as?
Ans. Decomposers.
Q 12. Process of food chain?
Ans. Grass-> insects-> frog-> snake-> eagle.

Q 13. What are forest products?
Ans. Honey, Catechu, Wooden statue and Sealing wax.
Q 14. Name the forest plants?
Ans. Neem, Amla, Semal and bamboo.
Q 15. Tall trees look like a roof over the other plants. What is this called?
Ans. Canopy.
Q 16. Which layer in the forests is formed by herbs?
Ans. Forest floor.
Q 17. Which birds helps flowers plants in pollination?
Ans. Insects, Butterflies and honeybees.
Q 18. Micro organisms act upon the dead plants to produce?
Ans. Humus.