• icononelinerinfo@gmail.com

Class 6 Science Motion and Measurement Ch 10 Short Notes

Q 1. Some kind of change in the position of a object is called?
Ans. Motion.
Q 2. The known fixed quantity used for measurement is called?
Ans. Units.
Q 3. The unit is used for measuring large distance?
Ans. Kilometers.
Q 4. In periodic motion, the object repeats itself after?
Ans. Same period of time.

Q 5. An objects moves such that its distance from a fixed point remains the same?
Ans. Circular motion.
Q 6. In rectilinear motion, the object moves along?
Ans. Straight line.
Q 7. The system of units now used is known as?
Ans. International system of units.
Q 8. In 1790, the French created a standard unit of measurement is called?
Ans. The metric system.
Q 9. What is speedometer measures?
Ans. Instantaneous speed.
Q 10. Name the motion of a stone dropped under gravity?
Ans. Linear motion.
Q 11. Metre, Kilometers, Kilograms and feet which is not a unit of distance?
Ans. Kilograms.
Q 12. Name the standard unit for measurement?
Ans. Inch.

Q 13. What is the length covered in one step by a person is called?
Ans. Pace.
Q 14. Name the modern method for measurement?
Ans. Metre.
Q 15. Name the ancient method for measurement?
Ans. Cubit.
Q 16. What is the length of outstretched arm is called?
Ans. Fathom.
Q 17. Name the oldest means of transportation
Ans. Bullock cart.
Q 18. Name the motion of a clock pendulum have?
Ans. Periodic motion.
Q 19. Name the motion of wheel of a cycle have?
Ans. Circular motion.
Q 20. Name the motion of a sewing machine have?
Ans. Periodic motion.
Q 21. Name the motion of a child in a swing?
Ans. Periodic motion.
Q 22. Name the SI unit of length?
Ans. Metre.