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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

Q 1. Write the properties of magnet?
Ans. 1.It attracts objects like Nikcel and Iron.
2.Likes poles of two magnet repel each other and opposite are attracts each other.
Q 2. Name the shapes of artificial magnet?
Ans. 1.Bar magnet
2.Horse shoe and cylindrical magnet.
Q 3. In olden days, sailors used to find directions by suspending by?
Ans. A piece of magnet.
Q 4. Name te the poles of magnet?
Ans. North and South.

Q 5. Name the natural magnet?
Ans. Magnetite.
Q 6. How compass is helpful?
Ans. To find directions of places.
Q 7. What are the properties of compass?
Ans. 1.A compass is used to show the direction.
2.The needle of a compass is magnet.
3.The needle of a compass always indicates the North and South pole of the earth.
Q 8. How compass work?
Ans. At all the places within the earth's magnetic field.
Q 9. In which direction does a magnet always point when suspended freely?
Ans. North-south.
Q 10. Where the force of attraction of a magnet is maximum?
Ans. At its poles.
Q 11. What is natural magnet known as?
Ans. Lodestone.
Q 12. Name a substance which retain its magnetic properties for a longer period of time is called?
Ans. Magnetic substances.

Q 13. Name the artificial magnet?
Ans. 1Bar magnet
2.Horse shoe magnet
Q 14. How the magnet loose its property?
Ans. When it is heated, hammered aur dropped from some height.
Q 15. Name the magnetic materials?
Ans. Iron, Cobalt, Nickel.