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Class 6 Science Sorting Materials into Groups Ch 4 Short Notes

Q 1. Glass bowl,Plastic toy,Steel spoon,Cotton shirt which object shine?
Ans. Glass bowl and steel spoon
Q 2. Name the examples of immiscible water liquids?
Ans. Kerosene and Mustard oil
Q 3. What are the examples of transparent material?
Ans. 1.Glass and water
2.Glass and air
3.Water and air
Q 4. Wood,iron nail,marble and coin which item is float on water?
Ans. Wood

Q 5. Name the material by which object can be seen very clearly is called?
Ans. Transparent material.
Q 6. Name the material by which object can be seen but not very clearly is called?
Ans. Translucent material
Q 7. Take two glass of water. Put sugar in one glass and chalk powder in other glass. What will you observe after stirring it?
Ans. Sugar dissolve in water completely as compared to chalk powder.
Q 8. How water plays an important role in the functioning of body?
Ans. Because it dissolve a large number of substances.
Q 9. Which metal get reddish colour when they get contact in air and water?
Ans. Iron
Q 10. Name the gas which is responsible for fizz in soft drinks?
Ans. Carbon dioxide
Q 11. Oil paper acts like which material?
Ans. Translucent material
Q 12. Glass,iron,gold and milk which material is transparent?
Ans. Glass

Q 13. Cotton,iron,mirror and towel which one is hard substance?
Ans. Iron
Q 14. Alcohol,sugar,sodium chloride,coconut oil which are not dissolve in water completely?
Ans. Coconut oil
Q 15. Tea leaves,glucose,chalk powder,sawdust which are completely dissolve in water?
Ans. Glucose
Q 16. Which part of metal show a metallic luster?
Ans. Freshly cut surface of a metal
Q 17. On the basis of which sorting of materials are grouped?
Ans. Both similarities and difference in there properties.
Q 18. Name the substance which are not dissolve in water?
Ans. Insoluble
Q 19. Name the substance that are easily dissolve in water?
Ans. Soluble
Q 20. Which metal are not compressed and scratched easily are called?
Ans. Hard metal
Q 21. Which metal are compressed and scratched easily is called?
Ans. Soft metal
Q 22. Which metal is densest metal?
Ans. Gold

Q 23. Name any three metals?
Ans. 1.Gold
Q 24. Name the material which have Lustre?
Ans. Metals