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NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric Short Answer

Discover the fascinating journey of textiles in "Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric" where we delve into the intricate processes that transform natural and synthetic fibres into the fabrics we use every day. This chapter provides a comprehensive exploration of the origins, processing techniques, and applications of various fibres, offering a deep understanding of how raw materials are turned into the fabrics that shape our world.

Whether you're a student, educator, or simply curious about the textile industry, this chapter will enhance your knowledge about the lifecycle of fibres and the technological advancements in fabric production.

Q 1. Define the process of converting fibre into fabric?
Ans. Fibre>Yarn>Fabric
Q 2. Name the process of cleaning sheared skin is called?
Ans. Scouring
Q 3. Give some examples of synthetic fibre?
Ans. 1.Rayon
Q 4. Moriculture and Sericulture are the terms used in?
Ans. Silk production

Q 5. Cotton and Wool are the examples of which fibres?
Ans. Natural fibres
Q 6. What are looms?
Ans. Looms are either hand operated or power operated
Q 7. Name the jute growing state in India?
Ans. West Bengal,Bihar and Assam
Q 8. How many types of clothing fabric are available?
Ans. 1.Cotton
4. Wool
5. Polyester
Q 9. Name the examples of synthetic fibres?
Ans. 1.Nylon
Q 10. Name the plant fibres?
Ans. 1.Cotton
Q 11. Which fibres are not obtained from plants and animals are called?
Ans. Synthetic fibres
Q 12. How silk is obtained?
Ans. Cocoon of silkworm

Q 13. How wool is obtained?
Ans. 1.Fleece of sheep or goat
2. Hair of rabbit
Q 14. Name the process of making fabric, two sets of yarn is used together is called?
Ans. Weaving
Q 15. Name the process of making a fabric,a single yarn is used to make a piece of fabric?
Ans. Knitting
Q 16. Name the natural fibre?
Ans. Silk
Q 17. Name the synthetic fibre?
Ans. Acrylic fibre
Q 18. Name the soil which are most suitable for cotton plants?
Ans. Black soil
Q 19. Name the plant which obtained natural fibres is called?
Ans. Flax
Q 20. Name the process of making yarn from Fibre is called?
Ans. Spinning