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NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 11 Light Questions with Answers

Q 1. A diverging mirror is?
Ans. Convex mirror.
Q 2. Splitting of white light into seven colors is called?
Ans. Reflection of light.
Q 3. Change in the path of light after striking a mirror is called?
Ans. Reflection of light.
Q 4. Which lens form always a virtual image?
Ans. Concave lens.

Q 5. Which mirror form a real image?
Ans. Concave mirror.
Q 6. Image formed by a convex mirror?
Ans. Always virtual and smaller in size.
Q 7. Image formed by a Plane mirror?
Ans. Always same size of the object.
Q 8. Which image cannot be obtained on a screen?
Ans. Concave lens image.
Q 9. The rear view mirror of a car is a plane mirror. A driver is reversing car at a speed of 2 m/s. The driver sees in his rear view mirror the image of a truck parked behind his car. The speed at which the image of the truck appears to approach the driver will be?
Ans. 4 m/s.
Q 10. David is observing his image in a plane mirror. The distance between the mirror and his image is 4 m. If he moves 1 m towards the mirror, then the distance between David and his image will be?
Ans. 6 m.
Q 11. White light is composed of?
Ans. Seven colours.
Q 12. An image which can't be obtained on a screen is called?
Ans. Virtual image.

Q 13. An image which can be obtained on a screen is called?
Ans. Real image.
Q 14. Any polished or shinning surface acts as a?
Ans. Mirror.
Q 15. How light travels?
Ans. In a straight line.
Q 16. Name the lens who always form a virtual image?
Ans. Concave lens.
Q 17. Image formed by a concave mirror?
Ans. Large, virtual and erect.
Q 18. Which lens is used as a magnifying glass?
Ans. Convex lens.
Q 19. Name the lens which is used to form image of objects spread over a large area?
Ans. Convex lens.
Q 20. Name the mirror which can form a real image?
Ans. Concave mirror.
Q 21. A virtual image larger than the object can be produced by?
Ans. Concave mirror.
Q 22. Which mirror is used by the Dentist?
Ans. Concave mirror.