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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Separation of Substances

Q 1. More of a substance can be dissolved in a solution by?
Ans. By Heating
Q 2. Name the process by which components of a sugar in a water can be separated?
Ans. Crystallisation
Q 3. With the help of which Threshing can be done?
Ans. 1.Animals
Q 4. Name the process by which butter is separated from milk?
Ans. Churning

Q 5. If you want to prepare ghee from milk at home.What method do you adopt?
Ans. Decantation and filtration
Q 6. What is the example of filtration method separation of rice from stone,salt in water,tea leaves from tea,oil in water?
Ans. Tea leaves from tea
Q 7. A person is having some diseases and want to have Lassi with less fat. Which method should he adopt?
Ans. Churning
Q 8. Why do we separate substances?
Ans. Because sometimes it contains non-useful components.
Q 9. Two friend bought some vegetables such as egg plant,lady’s finger, green chillies, and potatoes all mixed in a bag. Which of the methods of separation would be most appropriate for her to separate them?
Ans. Vegetables are big in size so hand picking is a best method to seperate them.
Q 10. Process of filtration can be used to separate in a mixture of insoluble?
Ans. Liquid and solid
Q 11. In the process of evaporation liquid changes into?
Ans. Vapours
Q 12. Name the process by which husk and stone could be separated from grain?
Ans. Hand-picking

Q 13. Name the process by which two or more than two components are mixing together in any ratio?
Ans. Mixing
Q 14. Name the process by which the heavier components in a mixture settles after water is added to it?
Ans. Sedimentation
Q 15. Name the process that is used to separate components of a mixture having different sizes?
Ans. Sieving
Q 16. Name the process that is used to separate heavier and lighter components of a mixture by wind or by blowing air?
Ans. Winnowing
Q 17. Name the process by which tea leaves is separated from prepared tea?
Ans. Filtration
Q 18. Name the process that is used to separate oil and water from a mixture?
Ans. Decantation
Q 19. Name the process that is used to separate grains from stalks?
Ans. Threshing
Q 20. Name the process by which salt is obtained from sea water?
Ans. Evaporation