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Class 7 Science Respiration in Organisms Ch 6 Question Answers

Q 1. The mountaineers carry oxygen with them?
Ans. Because the amount of air available to a person is less than that available on the ground.
Q 2. During inhalation the size of the chest cavity?
Ans. Increases.
Q 3. Tint pores on the surface of leaf is called
Ans. Stomata.
Q 4. The respiration organs of human body
Ans. Lungs.

Q 5. An organism with trachea system is?
Ans. Insects.
Q 6. The opening through which we inhale is called?
Ans. Nostrils.
Q 7. Insects have a network of air tubes called?
Ans. Tracheae.
Q 8. What is the end product of respiration?
Ans. Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy.
Q 9. Name the organisms which respire anaerobically?
Ans. Yeast.
Q 10. During inhalation, the diaphragm moves?
Ans. Moves downward.
Q 11. Define breath?
Ans. A breath means one inhalation plus one exhalation.
Q 12. Where anaerobic respiration takes place?
Ans. In muscles cell.

Q 13. Which type of organisms is yeasts?
Ans. Single-celled.
Q 14. What is the end product after glucose breakdown without the use of oxygen?
Ans. Alcohol + Carbon dioxide + Energy.
Q 15. What is the end product after glucose is breakdown in the presence of oxygen?
Ans. Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy.
Q 16. When breakdown of food occurs without using oxygen is called?
Ans. Anaerobic respiration.
Q 17. When breakdown of glucose occurs with the help of oxygen is called?
Ans. Aerobic respiration.
Q 18. Breathing is a part of?
Ans. Respiration.
Q 19. Name the part of the body through which fish takes oxygen?
Ans. Gills.
Q 20. Name the part of the body through frog breathe?
Ans. Lungs and Skin.
Q 21. Name the part of the body through earthworms breathe?
Ans. Skin.
Q 22. During exhalation, the ribs are?
Ans. Move downwards.

Q 23. What is the normal range of breathing per minute in an average adult?
Ans. 15-18 per minute.
Q 24. While during heavy exercise we get cramps in the legs due to?
Ans. Accumulation of Lactic acid.
Q 25. In cockroaches, air enters the body through?
Ans. Spiracles.