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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants

Q 1. Two types of leaf venation?
Ans. Parallel venation and Reticulate venation.
Q 2. Name the inner most part of the flower?
Ans. Pistil.
Q 3. The design made by veins in a leaf is called?
Ans. Leaf venation.
Q 4. Name the plant which get support to other plant for climbing?
Ans. Climbers.

Q 5. Plant with weak stems and cannot stand upward and spread on the ground is called?
Ans. Creepers.
Q 6. Define shrubs?
Ans. The stem is hard but not very thick is called shrubs.
Q 7. Define herbs?
Ans. Plants with green and tender stems are called herbs.
Q 8. Name the categories of plants?
Ans. Herbs,Shrubs and Trees.
Q 9. Name the function of leaves?
Ans. 1.Photosynthesis and Transpiration
Q 10. Sugarcane,wheat and maize have which venation?
Ans. Parallel venation.
Q 11. Stamen,pistil,lamina and nodes which is not a part of leaf?
Ans. Nodes.
Q 12. Which types of plants has thick,hard and woody stem?
Ans. Trees.

Q 13. How Pistil is formed?
Ans. Pistil is made up of three elements 1.Stigma
2. Style
3. Ovary
Q 14. Name the female part of flower?
Ans. Pistil.
Q 15. Name the man part of flower?
Ans. Stamen.
Q 16. Name the parts of flower?
Ans. Sepals,Stamens,Petals and Carpels.
Q 17. Name the process in which water comes out of leaves in the form of vapour?
Ans. Transpiration.
Q 18. Name the process by which plants prepare their own food in the presence of sun light, carbon dioxide and water?
Ans. Photosynthesis.
Q 19. Name the design made by veins in a leaf is called?
Ans. Leaf venation.
Q 20. The broad green part of the leaf is called?
Ans. Lamina.
Q 21. What part of the leaf attached to a stem is called?
Ans. Petiole.
Q 22. When the plant has no main root, all root are look like similar are called?
Ans. Fibrous roots.

Q 23. When the plants have fibrous root which venation take place in its roots?
Ans. Parallel venation.
Q 24. Which leaves have reticulated venation?
Ans. Coriander.
Q 25. Lemon,Tomato,Mangoes,pepal find the shrub?
Ans. Lemon