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Periodic Classification of Elements Class 10 Questions Answers

Q 1. Name the element that contains two shells and both are filled with electrons?
Ans. Neon.
Q 2. In which group of modern periodic table halogen gases are arranged?
Ans. 17.
Q 3. How many elements are arranged in the modern periodic table?
Ans. 18.
Q 4. Name the scientist who gave the law of octave?
Ans. Newland.

Q 5. Name the element which was discovered later replaced Mendeleev's Eka silicon?
Ans. Germanium.
Q 6. Which halogens are in gaseous state?
Ans. Bromine.
Q 7. Name the noble gas which is not present in our atmosphere?
Ans. Radon.
Q 8. How many metalloids are there in modern periodic table?
Ans. 6.
Q 9. Atomic radius of hydrogen Atom?
Ans. 37 picometre.
Q 10. Which metal is known as white gold?
Ans. Platinum.
Q 11. Number gases in modern periodic table?
Ans. 11.
Q 12. How many non-metal are in modern periodic table?
Ans. 20.

Q 13. While moving from upper to down the group, the atomic size?
Ans. Increases.
Q 14. Name the element that has a total of 3 shells, with 4 electrons in its valance shel
Ans. Silicon.
Q 15. Which metal is known as metal of hope?
Ans. Uranium.
Q 16. Name the metal that sinks in mercury?
Ans. Gold.
Q 17. On the basis of which modern periodic table is arranged?
Ans. Increasing atomic number.
Q 18. While going from left to right in the periodic table size of elements?
Ans. Decreases.
Q 19. Which hand side of the metals like Mg and Na lies in the periodic table?
Ans. Left hand side.
Q 20. Name the element that has electronic configuration is 2,8,2?
Ans. Magnesium.