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Control and Coordination Class 10 Questions Answers

Q 1. Which means of convey the information from cell to cell by " Touch me not" plants uses?
Ans. Electrical chemical.
Q 2. Name the smallest cell in our body?
Ans. Sperm in male.
Q 3. Parts of Central Nervous System consists of?
Ans. Brain and spinal chord.
Q 4. Name the hormone that secreted growth?
Ans. Pituitary gland.

Q 5. Name the hormone that secreted growth?
Ans. Pituitary gland.
Q 6. Where is the location of cerebrum in our brain?
Ans. Fore brain.
Q 7. Name the hormone release by thyroid gland?
Ans. Thyroxine hormone.
Q 8. Which disease are treated through injection of insulin?
Ans. Diabetes.
Q 9. Name the basic unit of nerve systems?
Ans. Nephron.
Q 10. Name the disease which are caused by the deficiency of iodine?
Ans. Goiter.
Q 11. Function of brain?
Ans. 1.Regulating the heart beat
2.Balancing body
Q 12. According to which hormone our heart beats faster?
Ans. Adrenaline.

Q 13. Name the plant hormone which helps in the growth of stem?
Ans. Gibberellins.
Q 14. How brain is protected?
Ans. By fluid filled balloon inside bony box.
Q 15. Name the biggest part of our brain?
Ans. Cerebrum.
Q 16. Symptoms of goiter disease?
Ans. Swollen neck.
Q 17. Name the hormone which controls calcium levels in human body?
Ans. Insulin.
Q 18. Name the longest cell in our body?
Ans. Nerve cells.
Q 19. Main function of Olfactory receptors?
Ans. Detects smell.
Q 20. Name the male sex hormone?
Ans. Testosterone.
Q 21. How insulin is secreted?
Ans. Through pancreas.