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Life Processes Class 10 Important Questions Answers

Q 1. How fish breathe?
Ans. Through Gills.
Q 2. Name the rings of cartilage present in our body?
Ans. Throat.
Q 3. Xylem is responsible for?
Ans. Transport of water.
Q 4. What is the initial filtration in kidney?
Ans. 180 litre daily.

Q 5. Main function of kidney in human body?
Ans. Excretion.
Q 6. What is the colour of lymph?
Ans. Colourless.
Q 7. Which large vessels are form to join Lymphatic capillaries?
Ans. Lymph vessel.
Q 8. Name the biggest vein in human body?
Ans. Vena cava.
Q 9. What are the food storage organs in plants?
Ans. 1.Growing organs
2.Fruits and seeds
3.Roots and stem.
Q 10. Name the instrument used for measuring heart beats?
Ans. Stethoscope.
Q 11. What do you mean by Hypertension?
Ans. High blood pressure in human body.
Q 12. In our heart, blood from left ventricle is pumped to?
Ans. The body.

Q 13. Name the type of tissue in blood?
Ans. Connective tissue.
Q 14. In which part of the body hemoglobin is present?
Ans. Red blood corpuscles.
Q 15. Plants exchange gases through?
Ans. Stomata.
Q 16. Which organism breathing rate is fastest?
Ans. Aquatic animals.
Q 17. Intestinal juice convert fat into?
Ans. Fatty acid and Glycerol.
Q 18. Name the fat digestive juice?
Ans. Lipase.
Q 19. When respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen?
Ans. Anaerobic respiration.
Q 20. When Respiration takes place in the presence of oxygen is called?
Ans. Aerobic respiration.
Q 21. Name the hardest substance in our body?
Ans. Tooth enamel.
Q 22. Plants exchange gases occurs across the surface through?
Ans. Stem only.

Q 23. Which gases are released by gastric gland?
Ans. 1.Hcl
Q 24. Saliva is created by which gland?
Ans. Salivary glands.